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Declutter with Bridget in your ear

books/podcasts habit formation routines Sep 29, 2020

Today I'm mixing things up with a link to my latest podcast interview on The Lorraine Murphy show. I joined Lorraine on her episode called "Get S&^t Done (GSD) Experts: How to declutter & change a habit with Bridget Johns and Rachel Crethar".

I feature in the second half of the interview and you can hear me speak about how to shift the 'Stuff' in our lives.

In our conversation, I share:

  • My inside track on storage hacks
  • My genius strategy for dealing with laundry overwhelm
  • How to shift yourself out of clutter overwhelm
  • Staying on track with decluttering
  • How to organise our homes in a sustainable way

You can find the episode here on Apple Podcasts and here on Google podcasts.

I encourage you to start decluttering your home while you listen to this podcast with me in your ear!

I hope you enjoy the episode. If you would like 1:1 support from me to declutter, visit my 1:1 declutter coaching page to learn more. If you are interested in being part of my next online declutter course, learn more here and join here to be the first to find out when it opens.


Other articles that might interest you:

If any of these articles have sparked an interest in decluttering, visit here to learn more about my 1:1 declutter coaching servicescurrent workshops and online declutter courses. As author Karen Lamb says, "A year from now you may wish you had started [your decluttering journey] today".

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